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Coworkers having lunch and working in their company cafe

Legrand is committed to its employees and local communities

 Legrand Group intends to guarantee, throughout the world, respect for Human Rights. It is committed to safeguarding the safety and health of all its employees. Legrand aims to develop the skills of every person and to promote diversity. Additionally, Legrand is actively working to deepen its engagement with the local communities in which it operates around the world.

​​​​​​​In our new three-year CSR Roadmap, we’ve outlined the areas of action which will deepen our commitment to our people and to our communities.
Child's hand over an adults hand in black and white photo

Respecting human rights and communities

Respecting the Group’s commitment on human rights:
It is more important than ever that as a global enterprise, we at Legrand observe the highest standards for employee welfare and equity while pursuing our business goals. In some cases, this means going above and beyond local laws and social norms. To that end, our goal is 100% of Legrand facilities respect human rights. Read our commitment to Human Rights. 

Practicing community involvement:
​​​​​​​Legrand Group expanded its charitable giving strategy into each region: deploy a sponsorship strategy in local communities in 75% of countries where the Legrand Group is present. The Better Communities program launched in North and Central America in 2014 has met and exceeded the expectations for this goal. The program focuses on Better Homes, Better Schools, and Better Recovery, and encourages employees to take paid time off (up to 16 hours) to volunteer with one of our community partners and encourages our businesses to donate products and funds. For Legrand’s commitment in North America to our communities, visit this page.

Colorful hard hats on a wall

Promoting health, safety, and well-being at work

Deploying best practices on health and safety at work:
We’re committed to implementing rigorous safety programs at each of our manufacturing, distribution and office sites to reduce workplace accidents and we will be adopting ISO 45001, the global standard for health and safety management, across our organization over the next several years. Specifically, in this roadmap, we seek to reduce the accident frequency rate (with and without time off work) by 20% and to implement Legrand Way health and safety rules for 90% of the workforce.

Reinforcing the engagement of Group employees:
​​​​​​​We believe in increasing opportunities for meaningful engagement among our workforce in a variety of ways. We conduct an employee engagement survey and use the results to inform our approach to improving employee satisfaction. We have adopted a new global benefits program called “Serenity On,” which aims to guarantee Legrand employees a minimum level of social protection in all the countries where the Group is based. This benefits program sets objectives related to parenthood, healthcare and death/disability. It is our goal to reach a 70% engagement rate among employees and deploy the Serenity On program in 95% of countries where the Group is present. Visit working at Legrand.

Man in navy suite giving the thumbs up

Developing skill and talent

Developing the skills and talents of all employees:
Our employees grow through opportunities for education, experience, and exposure. Legrand provides many educational opportunities to our team members. Education comes in the form of online and classroom skills and leadership training, experiences come from projects and new assignments, and exposure comes from mentoring from senior management and initiatives like our Emerging Leaders Program and “Leaders Teaching Leaders” seminars.

​​​​​​​Specifically, our goal is to provide at least 85% of employees with at least four hours of training each year. We also aim to hold individual performance reviews for more than 90% of managers.

Diverse group of coworkers look at a black chalkboard

Promoting equality of opportunity and diversity

Encouraging diversity at work:
Our success is grounded in the belief that diversity in technology, innovation—and above all, people—is our core strength. That’s why we welcome our employees enthusiasm, imagination, drive, and ingenuity—and give them the tools they need to become an innovator.

Diversity fosters greater innovation. Over the next three years, we will increase our focus on building a diverse and dynamic talent pipeline of future leaders who bring new ideas and perspectives to our team. Our goal is 20% more women in management jobs. For more about our women’s empowerment programs, visit elle@Legrand.